A nagyszerű betűtípus-párosítás elengedhetetlen a nagyszerű tervezéshez.
Íme néhány alapvető szabály a nagyszerű betűpárok létrehozásához:
Mindig biztonságos olyan betűpárokat találni, amelyek kiegészítik egymást.
Egy nagyszerű betűkombinációnak harmonizálnia kell anélkül, hogy túlságosan hasonló vagy túlságosan különbözne.
A betűtípus-szupercsalád olyan betűkészlet-készlet, amelyet úgy terveztek, hogy jól működjön együtt. Tehát biztonságos a különböző betűtípusok használata ugyanazon a szupercsaládon belül.
Például a Lucida szupercsalád a következő betűtípusokat tartalmazza: Lucida Sans, Lucida Serif, Lucida Typewriter Sans, Lucida Typewriter Serif és Lucida Math.
Két túlságosan hasonló betűtípus gyakran ütközik egymással. Azonban kontrasztok, kész a megfelelő módon, minden betűtípusból a legjobbat hozza ki.
Példa: A serif és a sans serif kombinációja jól ismert kombináció.
Az erős szupercsalád magában foglalja ugyanannak a betűtípusnak a serif és sans serif változatait (pl. Lucida és Lucida Sans).
Az egyik betűtípus legyen a főnök. Ez létrehozza a betűtípusok hierarchiáját az oldalad. Ez a méret, súly és szín változtatásával érhető el.
Kétségtelenül "Georgia" a főnök itt:
body {
background-color: black;
font-family: Verdana,
font-size: 16px;
color: gray;
font-family: Georgia, serif;
font-size: 60px;
color: white;
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<!DOCTYPE html>
body {
background-color: black;
font-family: Verdana, sans-serif;
font-size: 16px;
color: gray;
h1 {
font-family: Georgia, serif;
font-size: 60px;
color: white;
<h1>Beautiful Norway</h1>
<p>Norway has a total area of 385,252 square kilometers and a population of 5,438,657 (December 2020). Norway is bordered by Sweden, Finland and Russia to the north-east, and the Skagerrak to the south, with Denmark on the other side.</p>
<p>Norway has beautiful mountains, glaciers and stunning fjords. Oslo, the capital, is a city of green spaces and museums. Bergen, with colorful wooden houses, is the starting point for cruises to the dramatic Sognefjord. Norway is also known for fishing, hiking and skiing.</p>
Az alábbiakban bemutattunk néhány népszerű betűtípus-párosítást, amelyek sok márkának és kontextusnak megfelelnek.
és Verdana
betűtípusokA Georgia és a Verdana betűtípusok klasszikus kombináció. Ezenkívül ragaszkodik a webbiztonságos betűtípus-szabványokhoz:
Használja a "Georgia" betűtípust a címsorokhoz és a "Verdana" betűtípust a szöveghez:
Beautiful Norway
Norway has a total area of 385,252 square
kilometers and a population of 5,438,657 (December 2020). Norway is bordered by Sweden, Finland and Russia to the north-east, and the Skagerrak to the south, with Denmark on the other side.
Norway has beautiful mountains, glaciers and stunning fjords. Oslo, the capital, is a city of green spaces and museums. Bergen, with colorful wooden houses, is the starting point for cruises to the dramatic Sognefjord. Norway is also known for fishing, hiking and skiing.
Próbálja ki Ön is →
<!DOCTYPE html>
body {
font-family: Verdana, sans-serif;
font-size: 16px;
h1 {
font-family: Georgia, serif;
font-size: 46px;
<h1>Beautiful Norway</h1>
<p>Norway has a total area of 385,252 square kilometers and a population of 5,438,657 (December 2020). Norway is bordered by Sweden, Finland and Russia to the north-east, and the Skagerrak to the south, with Denmark on the other side.</p>
<p>Norway has beautiful mountains, glaciers and stunning fjords. Oslo, the capital, is a city of green spaces and museums. Bergen, with colorful wooden houses, is the starting point for cruises to the dramatic Sognefjord. Norway is also known for fishing, hiking and skiing.</p>
A Helvetica és a Garamond egy másik klasszikus kombináció, amely webes biztonságos betűtípusokat használ:
Használja a "Helvetica" betűtípust a címsorokhoz és a "Garamond" betűtípust a szöveghez:
Beautiful Norway
Norway has a total area of 385,252 square
kilometers and a population of 5,438,657 (December 2020). Norway is bordered by Sweden, Finland and Russia to the north-east, and the Skagerrak to the south, with Denmark on the other side.
Norway has beautiful mountains, glaciers and stunning fjords. Oslo, the capital, is a city of green spaces and museums. Bergen, with colorful wooden houses, is the starting point for cruises to the dramatic Sognefjord. Norway is also known for fishing, hiking and skiing.
Próbálja ki Ön is →
<!DOCTYPE html>
body {
font-family: Garamond, serif;
font-size: 16px;
h1 {
font-family: Helvetica, sans-serif;
font-size: 46px;
<h1>Beautiful Norway</h1>
<p>Norway has a total area of 385,252 square kilometers and a population of 5,438,657 (December 2020). Norway is bordered by Sweden, Finland and Russia to the north-east, and the Skagerrak to the south, with Denmark on the other side.</p>
<p>Norway has beautiful mountains, glaciers and stunning fjords. Oslo, the capital, is a city of green spaces and museums. Bergen, with colorful wooden houses, is the starting point for cruises to the dramatic Sognefjord. Norway is also known for fishing, hiking and skiing.</p>
Ha nem szeretne szabványos betűtípusokat használni a HTML-ben, használhatja a Google Fonts szolgáltatást.
A Google Fonts ingyenesen használható, és több mint 1000 betűtípus közül választhat.
Az alábbiakban bemutatunk néhány népszerű Google webes betűtípus-párosítást.
Használja a "Merriweather" betűtípust a címsorokhoz és az "Open Sans" betűtípust a szöveghez:
Beautiful Norway
Norway has a total area of 385,252 square
kilometers and a population of 5,438,657 (December 2020). Norway is bordered by Sweden, Finland and Russia to the north-east, and the Skagerrak to the south, with Denmark on the other side.
Norway has beautiful mountains, glaciers and stunning fjords. Oslo, the capital, is a city of green spaces and museums. Bergen, with colorful wooden houses, is the starting point for cruises to the dramatic Sognefjord. Norway is also known for fishing, hiking and skiing.
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<!DOCTYPE html>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Merriweather|Open+Sans">
body {
font-family: "Open Sans", sans-serif;
font-size: 16px;
h1 {
font-family: Merriweather, serif;
font-size: 46px;
<h1>Beautiful Norway</h1>
<p>Norway has a total area of 385,252 square kilometers and a population of 5,438,657 (December 2020). Norway is bordered by Sweden, Finland and Russia to the north-east, and the Skagerrak to the south, with Denmark on the other side.</p>
<p>Norway has beautiful mountains, glaciers and stunning fjords. Oslo, the capital, is a city of green spaces and museums. Bergen, with colorful wooden houses, is the starting point for cruises to the dramatic Sognefjord. Norway is also known for fishing, hiking and skiing.</p>
Használja az "Ubuntu" betűtípust a címsorokhoz és a "Lora" betűtípust a szöveghez:
Beautiful Norway
Norway has a total area of 385,252 square
kilometers and a population of 5,438,657 (December 2020). Norway is bordered by Sweden, Finland and Russia to the north-east, and the Skagerrak to the south, with Denmark on the other side.
Norway has beautiful mountains, glaciers and stunning fjords. Oslo, the capital, is a city of green spaces and museums. Bergen, with colorful wooden houses, is the starting point for cruises to the dramatic Sognefjord. Norway is also known for fishing, hiking and skiing.
Próbálja ki Ön is →
<!DOCTYPE html>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Ubuntu|Lora">
body {
font-family: Lora, serif;
font-size: 16px;
h1 {
font-family: Ubuntu, sans-serif;
font-size: 46px;
<h1>Beautiful Norway</h1>
<p>Norway has a total area of 385,252 square kilometers and a population of 5,438,657 (December 2020). Norway is bordered by Sweden, Finland and Russia to the north-east, and the Skagerrak to the south, with Denmark on the other side.</p>
<p>Norway has beautiful mountains, glaciers and stunning fjords. Oslo, the capital, is a city of green spaces and museums. Bergen, with colorful wooden houses, is the starting point for cruises to the dramatic Sognefjord. Norway is also known for fishing, hiking and skiing.</p>
Használja az "Abril Fatface" betűtípust a címsorokhoz és a "Poppins" betűtípust a szöveghez:
Beautiful Norway
Norway has a total area of 385,252 square
kilometers and a population of 5,438,657 (December 2020). Norway is bordered by Sweden, Finland and Russia to the north-east, and the Skagerrak to the south, with Denmark on the other side.
Norway has beautiful mountains, glaciers and stunning fjords. Oslo, the capital, is a city of green spaces and museums. Bergen, with colorful wooden houses, is the starting point for cruises to the dramatic Sognefjord. Norway is also known for fishing, hiking and skiing.
Próbálja ki Ön is →
<!DOCTYPE html>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Abril+Fatface|Poppins">
body {
font-family: Poppins, sans-serif;
font-size: 16px;
h1 {
font-family: 'Abril Fatface', serif;
font-size: 46px;
<h1>Beautiful Norway</h1>
<p>Norway has a total area of 385,252 square kilometers and a population of 5,438,657 (December 2020). Norway is bordered by Sweden, Finland and Russia to the north-east, and the Skagerrak to the south, with Denmark on the other side.</p>
<p>Norway has beautiful mountains, glaciers and stunning fjords. Oslo, the capital, is a city of green spaces and museums. Bergen, with colorful wooden houses, is the starting point for cruises to the dramatic Sognefjord. Norway is also known for fishing, hiking and skiing.</p>
Használja a "Cinzel" betűtípust a címsorokhoz és a "Fauna One" betűtípust a szöveghez:
Beautiful Norway
Norway has a total area of 385,252 square
kilometers and a population of 5,438,657 (December 2020). Norway is bordered by Sweden, Finland and Russia to the north-east, and the Skagerrak to the south, with Denmark on the other side.
Norway has beautiful mountains, glaciers and stunning fjords. Oslo, the capital, is a city of green spaces and museums. Bergen, with colorful wooden houses, is the starting point for cruises to the dramatic Sognefjord. Norway is also known for fishing, hiking and skiing.
Próbálja ki Ön is →
<!DOCTYPE html>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Cinzel|Fauna+One">
body {
font-family: 'Fauna One', serif;
font-size: 16px;
h1 {
font-family: Cinzel, serif;
font-size: 46px;
<h1>Beautiful Norway</h1>
<p>Norway has a total area of 385,252 square kilometers and a population of 5,438,657 (December 2020). Norway is bordered by Sweden, Finland and Russia to the north-east, and the Skagerrak to the south, with Denmark on the other side.</p>
<p>Norway has beautiful mountains, glaciers and stunning fjords. Oslo, the capital, is a city of green spaces and museums. Bergen, with colorful wooden houses, is the starting point for cruises to the dramatic Sognefjord. Norway is also known for fishing, hiking and skiing.</p>
Használja a "Fjalla One" betűtípust a címsorokhoz és a "Libre Baskerville" betűtípust a szöveghez:
Beautiful Norway
Norway has a total area of 385,252 square
kilometers and a population of 5,438,657 (December 2020). Norway is bordered by Sweden, Finland and Russia to the north-east, and the Skagerrak to the south, with Denmark on the other side.
Norway has beautiful mountains, glaciers and stunning fjords. Oslo, the capital, is a city of green spaces and museums. Bergen, with colorful wooden houses, is the starting point for cruises to the dramatic Sognefjord. Norway is also known for fishing, hiking and skiing.
Próbálja ki Ön is →
<!DOCTYPE html>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Fjalla+One|Libre+Baskerville">
body {
font-family: 'Libre Baskerville', serif;
font-size: 16px;
h1 {
font-family: 'Fjalla One', sans-serif;
font-size: 46px;
<h1>Beautiful Norway</h1>
<p>Norway has a total area of 385,252 square kilometers and a population of 5,438,657 (December 2020). Norway is bordered by Sweden, Finland and Russia to the north-east, and the Skagerrak to the south, with Denmark on the other side.</p>
<p>Norway has beautiful mountains, glaciers and stunning fjords. Oslo, the capital, is a city of green spaces and museums. Bergen, with colorful wooden houses, is the starting point for cruises to the dramatic Sognefjord. Norway is also known for fishing, hiking and skiing.</p>
Használja a "Space Mono" betűtípust a címsorokhoz és a "Muli" betűtípust a szöveghez:
Beautiful Norway
Norway has a total area of 385,252 square
kilometers and a population of 5,438,657 (December 2020). Norway is bordered by Sweden, Finland and Russia to the north-east, and the Skagerrak to the south, with Denmark on the other side.
Norway has beautiful mountains, glaciers and stunning fjords. Oslo, the capital, is a city of green spaces and museums. Bergen, with colorful wooden houses, is the starting point for cruises to the dramatic Sognefjord. Norway is also known for fishing, hiking and skiing.
Próbálja ki Ön is →
<!DOCTYPE html>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Space+Mono|Muli">
body {
font-family: Muli, sans-serif;
font-size: 16px;
h1 {
font-family: "Space Mono", monospace;
font-size: 46px;
<h1>Beautiful Norway</h1>
<p>Norway has a total area of 385,252 square kilometers and a population of 5,438,657 (December 2020). Norway is bordered by Sweden, Finland and Russia to the north-east, and the Skagerrak to the south, with Denmark on the other side.</p>
<p>Norway has beautiful mountains, glaciers and stunning fjords. Oslo, the capital, is a city of green spaces and museums. Bergen, with colorful wooden houses, is the starting point for cruises to the dramatic Sognefjord. Norway is also known for fishing, hiking and skiing.</p>
Használja a "Spectral" betűtípust a címsorokhoz és a "Rubik" betűtípust a szöveghez:
Beautiful Norway
Norway has a total area of 385,252 square
kilometers and a population of 5,438,657 (December 2020). Norway is bordered by Sweden, Finland and Russia to the north-east, and the Skagerrak to the south, with Denmark on the other side.
Norway has beautiful mountains, glaciers and stunning fjords. Oslo, the capital, is a city of green spaces and museums. Bergen, with colorful wooden houses, is the starting point for cruises to the dramatic Sognefjord. Norway is also known for fishing, hiking and skiing.
Próbálja ki Ön is →
<!DOCTYPE html>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Spectral|Rubik">
body {
font-family: Rubik, sans-serif;
font-size: 16px;
h1 {
font-family: Spectral, serif;
font-size: 46px;
<h1>Beautiful Norway</h1>
<p>Norway has a total area of 385,252 square kilometers and a population of 5,438,657 (December 2020). Norway is bordered by Sweden, Finland and Russia to the north-east, and the Skagerrak to the south, with Denmark on the other side.</p>
<p>Norway has beautiful mountains, glaciers and stunning fjords. Oslo, the capital, is a city of green spaces and museums. Bergen, with colorful wooden houses, is the starting point for cruises to the dramatic Sognefjord. Norway is also known for fishing, hiking and skiing.</p>
Használja az "Oswald" betűtípust a címsorokhoz és a "Noto Sans" betűtípust a szöveghez:
Beautiful Norway
Norway has a total area of 385,252 square
kilometers and a population of 5,438,657 (December 2020). Norway is bordered by
Sweden, Finland and Russia to the north-east, and the Skagerrak to the south, with Denmark on the other side.
Norway has beautiful mountains, glaciers and stunning fjords. Oslo, the capital, is a city of green spaces and museums. Bergen, with colorful wooden houses, is the starting point for cruises to the dramatic Sognefjord. Norway is also known for fishing, hiking and skiing.
Próbálja ki Ön is →
<!DOCTYPE html>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Oswald|Noto+Sans">
body {
font-family: "Noto Sans", sans-serif;
font-size: 16px;
h1 {
font-family: Oswald, sans-serif;
font-size: 46px;
<h1>Beautiful Norway</h1>
<p>Norway has a total area of 385,252 square kilometers and a population of 5,438,657 (December 2020). Norway is bordered by Sweden, Finland and Russia to the north-east, and the Skagerrak to the south, with Denmark on the other side.</p>
<p>Norway has beautiful mountains, glaciers and stunning fjords. Oslo, the capital, is a city of green spaces and museums. Bergen, with colorful wooden houses, is the starting point for cruises to the dramatic Sognefjord. Norway is also known for fishing, hiking and skiing.</p>
Az összes ingyenes Google Fonts listájáért keresse fel a Hogyan kell - Google Fonts oktatóanyagot.